Our History

One of Turkey's medical equipment manufacturing pioneers, “ERTUNÇ ÖZCAN”  It was established in Ankara in 1968 with the title of imports and Mumessillik.
Intensive care units, simulation centers, emergency units, operating room-anesthesia devices,
intensive care – sterilization is a solution partner in service service and key delivery hospital projects.

İlk Buhar Otoklav cihazı üretildi.

"The first steam autoclaving device was producted."

Yurt dışına ilk ihracat yapıldı.

"The first export."

Yeni Üretim Tesisleri Kuruldu.

"New  production facilities were established."

İlk Anestezi cihazı Üretildi.

"The first anesthesia apparatus was produced."

İlk MR uyumlu anestezi cihazı üretimi yapıldı.

"The first Mr compatible anesthesia machine was produced."

Bebek küvözü ve Foto Terapi cihazı üretildi.

"Infant Incubator and Phototheraphy device was produced."

Dünya bankasına ait bir projede Bangladeş'e 322 adet Anestezi cihazı teslim edildi.

"322 Anesthesia machine were delivered to Bangladesh in the project of World Bank."

Etiyopya Black Lion Hastanesi'ne anahtar teslim medikal ekipman sağlandı.

"Turkey Medical Equipment was supplied to Ethiopia Black Lion Hospital."

Pakistan(Karachi, Belucistan, Quetta,Islamabad) şehirlerinde 9 ayrı hastaneye medikal ekipman sağlandı.

"Medical Equipment were provided to 9 different hospital in the city of Pakistan,(Karachi, Babchistan, Quetta, Islamabad)"

Somali’ye verilmek üzere 9 adet Çadır Hastane projesi tamamlanıp teslim edildi. Sudan’da anahtar teslim hastane kurulumu projesi için temel atıldı.

"9 Tent hospital projects was delivered to complete in Somalia. There was for  installation project of the first turnkey hospital project in Sudan."

Sudan daanahtar teslim hastane projesi tamamlanıp teslim edildi.

"Turkey hospital project was delivered in Sudan."

Design Turkey 2012 Ödül Töreninde Baby Rest M100 Model Radyan ısıtıcılı Açık Yatağımız ve Vela model standımız İyi Tasarım Ödülü aldı.

"Baby Rest M100 model our infant warmers and Vela model our stand were rewarded for good design in Design Turkey 2012 Award ceremony."


Ankara Sanayi Odası 49. Yıl Ödül Töreninde "Gelir Vergisi Rekortmeni" ödülü alındı.

"It was rewarded for the holders at income tax in Ankara Chamber of ındustry 49th years award ceremony."


Ertunç Özcan-Servizi Ospedalieri ortaklığı başladı.

"There was established a partnership of Ertunç Özcan Servizi Ospedalier."


Somali 200 Yataklı Mogadishu Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi teslim edildi.

"200 Bad Mogadishu Training and Research Hospital was  delivered in Somalia."